The Three of Wands represents the threshold of adventure. The figure in the card is prepared and enthusiastic, all he needs to do is take the first step.
In the Three of wands, the figure is looking out towards the Indian Ocean with his back facing the reader. This could be interpreted as an enthusiastic drive to face the unknown or it could be interpreted as a rejection to oneself. There are two shores on either side of the sea (Bharat and Srilanka)). The figure is on one of them. This shore represents the present and known space of the figure. The far shore represents the future and unknown space of adventure. Instead of a traditional blue, the sea in-between the shores are a golden yellow. This could symbolize a rising sun at dawn, adding to the theme of beginning. It could also illustrate the golden value of the journey itself. In any case, the colour creates a paradox. In making the sea yellow, the water looks like sand, turning the sea into a desert. Upon the sea are three ships. It is unclear their relation to the figure. They might have left him behind. They might be coming for him. They might even be unaware of his existence. In any case, their presence reveals that the journeyman is not alone. Many people seek enlightenment. He could use their journeys to further his own. The character wears a headband, The headband is like a material halo. It equips the figure with spiritual guidance as he begins his journey.
Upright meaning
This card often signifies expansion, growth, and progress. It suggests that the seeds of your efforts are starting to bear fruit, and that you’re on the right track. The card encourages you to keep moving forward and to continue to explore new opportunities.
Reverse meaning
This card can indicate delays, setbacks, or obstacles. You may feel stuck or held back, and you may need to adjust your plans or expectations. The card suggests that you may need to be patient and persistent in order to overcome any challenges.
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