Two of Wands is a card of decision. A figure stands on top of grey battlements (Chaukathh) and looks out towards the vast Indian Ocean. Though the world is in his hands, he is hesitant to decide his journey. The Two of Wands reminds us to seize the day and to not fall prey to indecision. The two wands represent the dual nature of life and the contradictions one faces. The theme of two often illustrates many different kinds of contradictions: subjectivity/objectivity, subconscious/conscious, etc. This sense of hesitancy is further illustrated with the globe in the figures right hand. The figure has all of the potential in the world, he just needs a push to get started on his journey. His red robe represents passion and willpower. In bottom corner, the lotus flower symbolises purity and the rose represents passion- Together they form a union of opposites and encourage the figure to wield both wands at once. The water on the horizon represents the call for adventure.
Upright meaning
In tarot, the Two of Wands is often associated with planning, decision-making, and taking action. When the card is upright, it generally signifies positive traits such as planning, decision-making, and the start of a new project or venture. The upright Two of Wands may represent a person who is taking action and making decisions in order to achieve their goals, or it can indicate a need to take a calculated risk in order to move forward.
Reverse meaning
On the other hand, when the Two of Wands card is reversed, it may indicate negative traits such as indecisiveness, lack of planning, or a fear of taking action. The reversed Two of Wands may represent a person who is struggling to make decisions or take action, or who is feeling stuck or uncertain about their direction. It could also suggest a need to take a step back and reassess one’s goals and plans in order to move forward with clarity and confidence.
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